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Harriet’s Heart for Her People
Hope - Harriet

hope harrietletterWhen we joined Harriet’s church for an afternoon of evangelism, she had been anxiously counting down the days to our arrival. Harriet was delighted about the opportunity to evangelize in her own village.

She had heard we were bringing Scripture magazines and was thrilled at the thought of being equipped with physical copies of God’s Word to assist in reaching the surrounding communities.

In anticipation, Harriet decided to get a head-start in the outreach. While waiting for our team, she had already begun walking door to door, sharing the Good News of Jesus—hours before we even made an appearance. Because the magazines weren’t available until our team officially arrived, Harriet had created her own handwritten posters to evangelize!

Oh, how Harriet’s face lit up with joy as we finally placed Essuubi and Hope magazines in her hands! Harriet’s beautiful soul exemplifies Christ’s mission to reach our neighbours in His name, however possible.


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